Term 4 - Parents 2018
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With the end of another school year approaching (how did it go so fast?!), this issue will focus on party season, and tips for how parents can manage teenage parties to ensure their child is as safe as possible.
We are also pleased to highlight:
Upcoming Webinar: Substance Use and Mental Health Among Rural Youth 
Tuesday 13th November, 3.30pm AEDT
Presented by: Dr Georgina Luscombe, Dr Hazel Dalton & Ms Nicole Snowdon
In this webinar, Dr Hazel Dalton from the Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health, Dr Georgina Luscombe from the School of Rural Health at the University of Sydney, and Ms Nicole Snowdon from Lives Lived Well, will present research on substance use and mental health among rural young people, and discuss potential solutions to help support rural youth and reduce the risk of harms. 

This webinar is for school staff, health professionals, parents and other who are seeking information about drug use and related harms among rural youth.

Around one-third of young Australians live in rural and remote communities. Research suggests use of alcohol, tobacco and illegal drug use in addition to co-occurring mental health issues and suicidality are higher among these young people compared to those living in big cities, and that rural youth are at greater risk of harms related to substance use.

In order to reduce these risks, we must consider the unique challenges faced by rural and regional youth. This webinar will present research on substance use and mental health among rural young people, and discuss potential solutions to help support rural youth and reduce the risk of harms. 

What time in my state?

SA: 3pm
QLD: 2.30pm
NT: 2pm
WA: 12.30pm
Available on demand: Parties, gatherings and sleepovers: How can parents keep their teens safe? 
In this webinar, Paul Dillon (Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia) examines what we know about school-based young people and alcohol use and its use at parties. It provides practical strategies and simple tips for parents considering allowing their teen to attend such events to help ensure they are as safe as possible. 
If you missed this popular webinar you can view the recording on demand.
For many parents, the end of exams and another school year can be a daunting time. Teenagers are looking to celebrate the holidays with their friends, leaving many parents worried about how they can keep their child safe when they attend these celebrations.
It's important for young people to have opportunities to socialise with their peers outside of the school context. However, these events, particularly when they may involve alcohol or other drugs, can increase risk of harm among young people. One of the most important ways parents can minimise the risks involved in teenage parties is through communication and rule setting. We've put together some tips and resources below to help you navigate this parenting challenge. 
Communication is a vital part of keeping your child safe when it comes to parties. No matter the age of your child, it's important to arrange a time to talk to them about the party and find out some key information, such as:
  • Whose party is it?
  • Where will the party be held?
  • Will there be alcohol involved?
  • Do they know what to do if something goes wrong?
Positive Choices has a range of resources for your child to help them stay safe and keep their friends safe too.
Direct them to:
Depending on the age of your child, it can also be a good idea to contact the parents who are hosting the party. If this isn't an option, a good back-up is to contact parents of other children who will be attending the event, to confirm whether the information you have from your child matches what other parents have been told.
Some information you might like to discuss with the host parents include:
  • Will alcohol be provided or tolerated at the party?
  • What supervision will be provided?
  • Where will the party be hosted, and what are the start and finish times?
It is also a good idea to exchange contact details with the hosting parents, in case they need to get in contact during the party.
Rule Setting
Clearly explain your rules about parties to your teenager, as well as the consequences if these rules are not upheld. Research shows that having clear and consistent rules for your adolescent regarding alcohol use can help to prevent them from using alcohol at an early age and alcohol-related harms.
Take a look at these new parent resources on teenage parties
Parties, gatherings and sleepovers: How can parents keep their teens safe?
Keeping your teenager safe at a party
Schoolies/Leavers' week: What parents can do to keep their teenager safe
Check out these new resources that have been added to the Positive Choices' culturally-safe space for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Raising your kids strong: deadly activities families can do together 
As a parent, carer or family member, you are your kids’ first and most important teachers. This family factsheet has examples of activities you can do with your kids that can help protect them from grog and drugs.
Let’s yarn about helping a friend or family member who has a drug problem   Part 1   |   Part 2   |   Part 3
How do I protect myself if someone using alcohol/drugs becomes violent or aggressive? This student factsheet takes you through some of the ways you can try to calm someone down when they become violent or aggressive, protect yourself and find help.
Don't miss our weekly drug facts on social media! Every Friday we release a new infographic in our #drugfactfriday series on Facebook and Twitter. Follow us now to get these fun facts in your newsfeed.
Listen to the Positive Choices team present, or catch up with us at our booth, at these upcoming events.
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